Summary statistics | Total medals for Russian Empire: 17 No. of medalists: 17 No. of sports: 5 Total GOLD medals: 1 Total SILVER medals: 7 Total BRONZE medals: 9
| Gold | 1 / 17 | | 5,9% | Silver | 7 / 17 | | 41,2% | Bronze | 9 / 17 | | 52,9% |
Count of medals by sport
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Medalists ordered by medals count » show all medalists from Russian Empire (individual records)
| name | country | medals count | sport | 1 | PUSCHNITSKY Nikolaï | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 2 | BLAU Harry | Russian Empire | 1 | Shooting | 3 | RODIONOV Aleksandr | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 4 | KLEIN Martin | Russian Empire | 1 | Wrestling | 5 | PANIN Nikolay | Russian Empire | 1 | Skating | 6 | SCHOMAKER Iossif | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 7 | ORLOFF Nikolaï | Russian Empire | 1 | Wrestling | 8 | PETROFF Aleksander | Russian Empire | 1 | Wrestling | 9 | STRAUCH Filip | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 10 | KUSIK Mikhaïl Maksimilian | Russian Empire | 1 | Rowing | 11 | DE KACHE Amos | Russian Empire | 1 | Shooting | 12 | Beloselsky-Belozersky Esper Konstantinovich | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 13 | DE MELNITSKY Nikolaï | Russian Empire | 1 | Shooting | 14 | BRASCHE Ernest | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 15 | DE PANTELEYMONOFF Georgi | Russian Empire | 1 | Shooting | 16 | LINDBLOM Karl | Russian Empire | 1 | Sailing | 17 | DE WEYLOCHNIKOFF Pavel | Russian Empire | 1 | Shooting |