SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. SVG 1.1 is a W3C Recommendation and forms the core of the current SVG developments. SVG Tiny 1.2 is the specification currently being developed as the core of the SVG 1.2 language (comments welcome). The SVG Mobile Profiles: SVG Basic and SVG Tiny are targeted to resource-limited devices and are part of the 3GPP platform for third generation mobile phones. SVG Print is a set of guidelines to produce final-form documents in XML suitible for archiving and printing. Read more about SVG.    [ ]
Vybrané príklady riešení na báze formátu SVG:
  Základné tvary
  Veková pyramída
  Animovaný graf 1
  Animovaný graf 2
  Trasa exkurzie
  Vykreslenie Slovenska
  Lokalizácia škôl
  Výsledky SODB pre Bratislavu
  Spišská Nová Ves
  Okresy SR
  Okresy SR - migrácia
  Prognóza HMPP
  Atlas SODB 2001

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© Vladimír Bačík | Katedra humánnej geografie a demogeografie | Prírodovedecká fakulta | UK Bratislava